Thursday, December 8, 2011

28...for the last time

So, today is the last day that I can say I am 28 years old.
I don't know what to say about that. One one hand, I'm glad to be getting older; on the other hand....I'm getting older! The response that I've been getting has been quite funny actually. People who are older than me feel compelled to tell me what happens when I am to hit whatever age they declare as "downhill"
 "You probly won't be able to drink coffee after all goes downhill from there"
"My eyes went when I was 40 so enjoy it while it lasts"
Then there are those younger than me who feel compelled to remind me of my youthfullness...
"what! 29? I thought you were in your early 20's"
"you exude youthfullness!"
Is this what happens when you get close to 30? That limbo where young people think you're old and old people think you're young? Where does that leave me? I can see why people go through mid or quarter life crisis! Geesh!

Going from 28 to 29 is, well...kinda weird. It's like one of those ages that doesn't really count; just gets you one step closer to 30.....30, the age where everyone starts to question why you are not married, don't have know the "what the hell are you doing with your life" questions. (I am soooo looking forward to those!) And though I'm not in a rush to do either of those things, because our culture tells us that it must be done...people will ask. And I will tell them "when I get good and ready to! Besides, unless you are going to pay for the wedding, diapers, bottles, college tuition...not to mention the marital counseling that will result from two people being pressured into getting married because society tells them that there's no better time than now, even though they are not ready...then you can pick whatever date you wish!" That should scare em off for a while ;)

But in all seriousness.....I'm looking forward to 29. It seems to have a bit of sophistication to it, yet is still young enough to have a lil fun! Mostly, (and sad to say) I'm looking forward to leaving 28 behind. Its been a long year. And though I know that I've learned a lot this year, I'd much rather just take my lessons and leave the drama behind (thank you very much). I am praying that 29 will be very different than 28. But, nevertheless, I'm hoping to enjoy this last day and go out of this year with style!

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