Monday, September 5, 2011

The Process of Believing

How do we begin to believe in something? I find myself asking that question far too often nowadays. See, the thing is: I don't believe in myself. I don't believe I am what people say that I am or who God says that I am for that matter. I believe that when people give me a complement or says something about my character, that they are truly genuine. I believe that they believe what they are saying. I just don't believe it.
I have writer's block...again. I'm trying to write this article (which shouldn't be that hard) and I find myself having the hardest time. It's not that I'm not excited about what I'm writing about, or that I don't have enough information about the topic, I just don't believe that what I produce is good enough.
I found that I have to have a really serious talk with myself....and God. Why is it that I don't believe? How can I say that I believe in God and all that He says and does, but I don't believe in who He created me to be? How is it that I see so much in other people and have such a strong desire for them to be all that they can be, but I don't believe that I can have that same accomplishment?
The Bible says that the two greatest commandments are to "love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. And to love your neighbor as YOURSELF." How can I feel love for my neighbor but not for myself? How can I say I actually have received God's love when I can't love myself?
I need to start believing again. I need to get to that place where I believe that I can do everything that God has called me to do. No more pretending. No more "fake it to you make it." I want to actually know that I know that I know, you know?
So...what is the process of believing? How do we begin to believe in something? Is it the fact that we've known it for so long that we just take it as truth? Or do we need to see it with our own eyes? Is there some kind of supernatural encounter that sparks our belief or is it like a seed that is sown and grows over time? How did I start believing in God? Cause I feel like He has always been, even though I didn't always believe. What causes me to believe in someone else, to see beyond the faults at what is beneath the surface? And how far do I have to dig to find that for myself? I'm not entirely sure. I'm not entirely sure of anything anymore. I could always stand in front of the mirror and recite the "I am loved, and beautiful and so on" bit, but will that make me believe it?

P.S. I'm getting tired of ranting on this blog about nothing. But it seems to be the only way I can write anything. Sigh...I need some breakthrough.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, same boat here. Clayton and I were talking about this just this weekend, and I told him "My self-esteem is so low right now that I really, genuinely can't seem to believe in myself, who God says I am, or anything else for that matter." That bit about, "No more pretending. No more 'fake it 'til you make it'" hits a nerve.
