The invisible ones
The rejected ones
For the heartbroken
The widowed
The recently separated
The divorced
For the ones hiding in the shadows of abuse
For the ones who want to love but will lose everything if
they do
For the ones whose love has been betrayed
And for the ones who can only love in secret
I stand with you in solidarity as we say
This shit sucks
May you find that with any time of celebration
There is also a time of grief
Of loss
Of coming to terms with the imperfections and disappointments
Of staring life in the face and seeing only yourself
But may you also find love
Not the knight in armor fairy tale kind of love
Unless that’s your thing
As we are
all hopeless romantics
But may you find the kind of love that cries as hard as it
That is willing to share the last bit of food
But let you
keep all the good wine
The kind that is unafraid of your darkness,
Your bullshit mood swings, bad taste in movies
Or your non existent thigh gap
May you find the clumsy
Often misguided, sometimes disappointing
Imperfect love that we all operate in, really
We are all imitators after all…
Such a beautiful poem.