Sunday, April 3, 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge Day Three: My greatest Challenge

Prompt: Write about your greatest challenge

My Greatest Challenge by Tamisha A. Tyler

Most times, we assume a challenge to be a negative thing. They are the enemy to progress, a hindrance to the accomplishments we seek to pursue. Because of this, we do what we always do when we face our enemies: we run or we fight. Regardless of which reaction we choose, the goal becomes clear: remove the challenge from our life so that we can achieve that moment of accomplishment.

My greatest challenge is my fear of myself.
You can imagine how the task of fleeing or fighting becomes problematic.

Is it fear that I am facing, or myself? Whether fighting or fleeing, I find myself in a paradox. To face the challenge in the only way I know and lose myself, or to ignore it and never actually become.

But what if it was the very definition of a challenge that changed? What if a challenge wasn't something to flee or fight, but the resistance that aided in the quest of the accomplishment? My challenge may be my enemy, but what if I learned to love it? To invite it in, offer it a cool drink, soft seat and lovely conversation? What would it teach me?

I am afraid of who I am becoming...

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