Saturday, April 23, 2011

Unqualified Participant

I'm about to start the 5th week of school and I haven't said a word in at least two of my classes.
Is this normal?
Not for me, typically. But lately I find that I have reverted back to that very shy little girl in middle school. I sit in my classroom and don't say a word. I don't know, I guess I just feel unqualified to partake in the conversation. I mean, I don't know any of the stuff the teachers or other students are talking about. I'm still trying to follow the conversation. But if that's the case, then why is it that when another student answers a question or if the teacher gives the answer, its always the exact same thing I was thinking. And even if it wasn't, there's nothing wrong with sharing my point of view...right?

Then why is it that I feel so unqualified? For some reason, my confidence was sucked out of me the first week of school and has yet to return. I never realized just how afraid I was of being wrong. Didn't notice just how hard on myself I am to "get it right." I have to come to terms with the fact that my time here isn't just about getting a high enough GPA for my PhD program. I have to realize that getting it wrong is apart of the process, and not being afraid to ask those questions, or make those observations, or to take a shot in the dark about a topic is OK. That I'm not being judged with fire and brimstone when I raise my hand. That maybe my voice and perspective needs to be heard and that by keeping silent, I'm actually doing my classmates and teachers a disservice in the conversation. 

Lord, I thank You for placing me here and giving me the opportunity to embark on such a journey. Forgive me for not believing in what You have placed in me. I'll admit; it's hard, and I don't feel qualified to be here. But I also know that you placed me here for a reason and that means that there is a place for me at this table of conversation. Forgive me for not believing it. Help my unbelief. There is nothing I want more than to be able to express your truths in a way that people's lives are changed. Help me to get to that place, and to realize just how far I've come...


  1. Sing it. Bring it. Wing it. This place is for LEARNING. God loves you regardless.

    I for one would love to hear your voice in class.

  2. I so almost raised my hand today! I say that's progress :)
