Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm not perfect.

I'm not perfect
and I still don't know what that means.

Cause I've always been taught
that I'm not perfect
but I'm striving for perfection.

but in that striving
is the constant need of progression
that if this time isn't better than last time
then I've failed in that progression

who fails in progression?

"be ye perfect for I am perfect"
"we all fall short of the glory..."

I don't know if I should "fall" or "be"

I think I'm somewhere in between

All my life
I've always been the one who "can do everything"

I never realized how disjointed I've become

I've done so much of
"learning from the past"
"planning for the future"
that I have no clue what to do "right now"

who am I...right now

can I deal with my imperfections....right now
can I be OK with them...right now

maybe I've become so obsessed with being perfect that I fail to enjoy being me.

because I'm not perfect
and I still don't know what that means


  1. What?! I thought you were perfect! I was gonna cheat off of you in Greek! Dang. Now I gotta rethink the whole thing.

  2. Welcome to the existential crisis of the second decade. This same issue has come up with three other friends of mine just this week. You're not alone!

  3. gee thanks guys. :) I love my friends.
